Thursday, August 21, 2008

Thinking about Back to School

September is just around the corner - if you're looking for some extra help with German, why not see if there is a German Saturday School nearby?


Anonymous said...

Sarah, the GLSC is a great resource, but not all German Saturday schools belong to the GLSC. If you can't find a school near you on the GLSC website, do an internet search or contact the closest German consulate.

Anonymous said...

My kids go to the DSNY on Monday afternoons and I think it's a great program.

I'm so glad that you are doing more flashcards and I'm so happy that you visited my blog!

Unknown said...

T -

Great point - and I was looking for a good list of German immersion programs. There are many elementary schools that now offer a German immersion experience. Anyone know of a good list?

Alexis -

Yes, the Deutsche Schule NY is great! How wonderful that your kids are able to take advantage of their program. I'm jealous :)

Can you send some of your crafty goodness over to my house?

- Sarah

- Sarah